AI-supported learning and online exams

How studying online works

At IU Copilot School featuring Microsoft by IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU), your studies are flexible, practice-oriented and AI-supported – from course start to exam day: Copilot for Microsoft 365, our innovative online campus, the study app IU Learn, and Syntea, your AI-supported study assistant, make studying on your own terms easier than ever!

You can also take your exams online 24/7. On top of that, you can deepen your knowledge in virtual live formats.

Your AI-Tools: online campus, study app, study AI, and Copilot for M365

Copilot for Microsoft 365

Future-proof – Improve your workflow

Copilot for Microsoft 365 makes working with the Microsoft Office 365 Suite easier. You learn how to write prompts and work with AI almost effortlessly, enabling you to be particularly efficient in the workplace later on.

Creative – Brainstorm with AI

This tool helps you develop creative ideas for projects or academic papers. With the right prompts, it even provides initial text drafts.

Versatile – From comprehension questions to translation

Copilot for Microsoft 365 provides you with context and helps you understand your course contents better. Additionally, you can use it to translate texts from foreign languages or generate code.


Efficient – Complete courses 37% faster

With Syntea, your personal study assistant, you deepen your knowledge quicker and more effectively. You will go into your exam with confidence.   


Personalised – get 24/7 support  

Syntea tests your knowledge level and gives you answers to questions about the script – right when you need them.  


Verified – get 100% reliable answers   

You can rely on the correctness of the answers, as they are verified by our faculty members. 

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Organised – everything at a glance

myCampus is where you organise your studies: here, you book courses, register for exams and view your calendar.

Convenient – ​​your entire programme in one place

You can access your scripts, workbooks, learning videos, virtual live formats and the online library at any time.

Connected – ​​ with us and your study buddies

You can connect with your fellow students, lecturers, study and career coaches via live events and chats.

IU Learn

Flexiblestudy on the go & from anywhere 
Take IU Learn with you everywhere you go – at home or while travelling the world. You make constant progress with lessons that you can complete in short units. 
Interactive – make a game of studying 
With interactive quizzes, you prepare for your exams step by step. All content is linked to your study programmje. This way, you can keep track of how much you have already accomplished. 
Innovative – multimedia tools that suit your type 
Study using our multimedia tools: You can add notes in our scripts or watch a learning video. The app tracks your progress and successfully guides you through your studies.

Study autonomously and multimedia-based

Digital study scripts

Each lesson offers structured contents for you to study at your own pace. In our innovative e-book version, you can also take digital notes and interactive self-tests.

Video tutorials

Walls of text are so over: We illustrate your course content with learning videos that explain central terms, theories, formulas and case studies from your script briefly and concisely


Your study AI, Syntea, features an exam trainer that prepares you for exams with targeted questions. Additionally, you can improve your comprehension by engaging in dialogue with it in its Deep Dialogue Learning feature.

Deepen your knowledge interactively

Interactive Live Sessions

In the Interactive Live Session, you work on the topics of your course intensively in a 90- to 120-minute video session. You can expand your knowledge from the script with practical input and prepare for the exam together with your lecturers and fellow students. The interactive live sessions usually take place between 5 and 10pm.

Learning Sprints*

Learning sprints split your courses in seven units that build on one another and prepare you for your exam in around 60 to 90 minutes. In the first six units, you work through your script and solve problems in a group. In the seventh unit, you summarise what you learnt using mock exam questions.

Networking & Live FAQ

Via our online campus and the chat tool MS Teams, you can connect virtually with other students. Certain courses also offer live consultation hours where you can ask your lecturers anything about organisational things and contents of the course.

*Currently, learning sprints are only available for selected courses.

Secure further benefits

For your studies, we provide you with a full licence for the Microsoft Office 365 Suite, including Copilot for Microsoft 365. Additionally, you benefit from extracurricular events on AI and free access to LinkedIn Learning – giving you access to over 14,000 exciting courses and 1,800 inspiring video tutorials.

100% flexible online or on campus: your exams

Early bird or nightowl? You know best when and where you deliver the best results! That’s why we let you choose if you want to sit your exam 24/7 online or on location at one of our 45 exam centres.

Request information material free of charge now

Find out more about your study programme and IU Copilot School featuring Microsoft by IU International University of Applied Sciences (IU) in your personal brochure.

What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on financing options

We are here for you

Do you need help with your decision? Your personal study advisor is happy to help you!

We will support you

Our student advisory service will help you if you have questions about your choice of degree programme, the right time model or your financing options, for example.

Just give us a call
*Available Monday–Friday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. CET, Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CET

+49 36 164 604 000

This is IU: award-winning, accredited and certified.