Your questions. Our answers.

Frequently asked questions about studying online

Frequently asked questions about studying online

Free trial? Let’s go!

You can try out your study programme for one month – no commitment. The fees for this period only apply if you decide to continue your studies with us.

This is how my exams work

My study programme

Recognition of my previous achievements

My financing options

Financing and savings tips

We show you how you can reduce the costs of your studies and introduce you to various financing options.

Learn more

Free trial? Let’s go!

You can try out your study programme for one month – no commitment. The fees for this period only apply if you decide to continue your studies with us.

At a glance: My glossary for studying

What does ECTS actually stand for and what is actually behind the term BAföG? Find the explanation to important terms around your distance learning here.

We are here for you

Do you need help with your decision? Your personal study advisor is happy to help you!

We will support you

Our student advisory service will help you if you have questions about your choice of degree programme, the right time model or your financing options, for example.

Just give us a call
*Available Monday–Friday 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. CET, Saturday 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. CET

+49 36 164 604 000

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What you get for free

Information material

  • Information on study content & electives

  • Career prospects

  • Information on financing options

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